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How to Paint Polka Dots On Your Nails

polka dot nails

Polka dots have been increasingly trendy and cooler over time.

They are seen everywhere from clipboards to walls and from clothing to shoes.

Polka dots can also be made on nails in order to have a great hip style.

As nail art has become very common, there have been specific nail art types too. One of these is the polka dot nail art category which makes your nails look superb and beautiful.

You can now easily impress anyone with their style and have your look together in style.

The tutorial for having polka dot nails is given below but it is important to make sure that your nails are even and have been cleaned properly.

You could also do a full manicure before to ensure greater neatness and solid look, although hand exfoliation through moisturizers would also be very handy as well.

The tutorial is given as follows:

What You Need

• 2 nail paints (one for color, one for polka dots) • Base coat • Top coat • A wrap • Toothpick


This includes a step by step procedure:

1. Base Coat

It is important that before putting on any paint, you put on a base coat so that your nails have a smooth base where you can apply your nail paint, even the manicure shall stay longer.

Apply a thin coat, starting from the middle of your nail to the outer side and then on each side later.

Remember to have a thin layer and not an over smudged layer.

2. Nail Paint

After the base coat is dry, apply a thin nail paint color to all your nails in the same way and keep it as thin as possible too but apply two coats leaving drying time in between.

Clean all the edges from your skin’s side right then since it is easier to take off the excess while it is still wet.

3. Polka Paint

This is the main part where you take out some of your paint that you have chosen to make you polka from, out on the transparent wrap and use a toothpick to make it.

First, you need to do away with the very hard tip of the toothpick by bending it flat on the table so that the tip is a bit less sharp.

Next, dip the toothpick tip into the polish which you took out and press the tip on your nail to make polka dots in any way or fashion you like.

It could be as few, as far away, as big or as narrow as you want.

4. Top Coat

This is very necessary and if you want your art to remain for longer time, it is a must that you apply a top coat over it.

5. Extra Tip

In order to give it a professional look, try putting in not more than 8 dots and start by putting a dot in the very center and then moving out across to keep it aligned accordingly.

Hence, your nails are polka-ized and you can enjoy being groovy at the most.

Here's a video that also show you:

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